Boekpresentatie Conceptual Art
5 juni 2019 bij WIELS, Brussel

Wat: Boekpresentatie
Waar: WIELS Auditorium, Van Volxemlaan 354, 1190 Vorst, België
Wanneer: 5 juni 2019, aanvang 19.00 uur
Met: Nathalie Zonnenberg
Georganiseerd in samenwerking met: WIELS en Curatorial Studies, KASK, Ghent
Voertaal: Engels
Toegang: gratis, graag hier reserveren
>Author Nathalie Zonnenberg, curator Marja Bloem, and artist Yuki Okumura, will discuss the paradoxes and challenges exhibiting conceptual art. The fact that conceptual artworks are not object-based creates challenges in exhibiting or re-exhibiting them. What are these challenges, and how can we deal with them? The conversation will take place in the context of the exhibition ‘Mario García Torres: Illusion Brought Me Here’ and will be moderated by WIELS curator Caroline Dumalin.