Valiz Folder Spring/Summer 2025
Book Presentation Wicked Kunsteducatie
20 November 2024, Amsterdam
Critical Publishing at Valiz: Reflecting on Art, Fashion and their Systems
8–13 November 2024, Paris
Dublin Art Book Fair 2024
21 November–01 December 2024, Dublin
Tokyo Art Book Fair 2024
28 Nov–1 Dec 2024, Tokyo
Unlimited Edition Art Book Fair 2024
15–17 November 2024, Seoul
16 & 17 November 2024, Zürich
Brussels Ass Book Fair 2024
29 November–1 December 2024, Brussels
- Sizer block to define masonry
Moments of Meaning-Making
Slow Technology Reader
Water Works
Afslag Rotonde
Exhibiting for Multiple Senses
Love and Lightning
Mothering Myths
Disarming Design
Valiz is an independent international publisher on contemporary art, theory, critique, design and urban affairs. Our books offer critical reflection, interdisciplinary inspiration, and often establish a connection between cultural disciplines and socio-political questions. We publish these books out of our commitment to their content, to artistic and social issues and to the artists, designers and authors.
Apart from publishing Valiz organizes lectures, debates and other cultural projects in which certain topics in contemporary art are explored.
Since 2012, Valiz has been closely collaborating with Trancity as trancityxvaliz. As publishers we have a shared view on the function of publications. trancityxvaliz books and programmes provide critical reflection on the city, on urban development and renewal, and on the public domain, with a specific focus on the connection with social, cultural and economic issues.
Want to learn more about Valiz and trancityxvaliz? Have a look at our catalogues:
- Astrid Vorstermans
(*1960) is an art historian, editor, and publisher. She founded Valiz Publishers in 2003, having previously worked as publisher, editor, bookseller and sales person. Under the banner of Valiz she collaborates with an extensive network of other professionals in the arts. Besides her work at Valiz, she delivers lectures and is a guest teacher at various design schools.
- Till Hormann
- (*1990) is a musician (Délage) and graphic designer. He is a steady factor at Valiz to work on daily all-trades jobs: for instance sending (webshop) orders, visual website maintenance, sorting out paperwork, assist in image editing, contribute ideas from small to big and vice versa.
- Simon Pillaud
- (*1999) is a visual artist and photographer who grew up in France and studied in the Netherlands. Since 2022, he has been working at Valiz, where he is mainly hands-on with logistics, maintenance, and distribution.
- Dennis ter Wal
- works for Valiz since 2024.
- Simone Wegman
- (*1991) has been working at Valiz since 2019, since 2021 as a project editor. She studied Liberal Arts and Sciences in Tilburg and Istanbul and Arts and Culture Studies (Contemporary Art in a Global Perspective) at Leiden University. Besides working at Valiz, she is active in research, writing and djing.
- Eli Witteman
- (*1996) works for Valiz since 2023, where they are a project editor. They studied Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam, Painting at LUCA Ghent and MA Art Praxis at the Dutch Art Institute. Besides working at Valiz, they write stories and articles for (art) magazines.
- NL
Representatives and ambassadors
- Jesse Presse, Jesse Muller
- BookMarks NL
Distribution: Centraal Boekhuis
- BE
Representatives/ambassadors and distribution
- Marcus Rooman
- Epo Uitgeverij en distributie,
Information platform:
Distribution: Central Books
- USA/CA/Latin America
- Europe/ Asia /Australia
- Idea Books
Representatives or distribution partners Idea Books
- Australia and New Zealand: Perimeter Distribution, Justine Ellis & Dan Rule
- Austria: Michael Klein
- China and Hong Kong: Helen Fung / China Publishers Services
- Eastern Europe: Sandra Luís / Idea Books
- France, Switzerland and Walloon Belgium: Sébastien Richard
- Germany: Jessica Reitz
- Japan and Asia: Julie Onishi
- Scandinavia: please consult Idea Books
- Southern Europe: Bookport Associates
Valiz, books and projects
Gebouw Het Sieraad
Studio K34-K36
Postjesweg 1
1057 DT Amsterdam
tel 020 - 676 41 44
Sign up for our newsletter
Valiz is a BV (private limited liability company),
Major shareholder: Astrid Vorstermans
Valiz Foundation is a separate entity, see tab 'Foundation'.
Valiz BV-information:
Btw/VAT: NL866259740B01
KvK: 93049307
IBAN: NL 64 TRIO 0320 3472 06
Valiz books can be ordered via this website (see shopping cart per title). Via our distributors or at your bookshop.
See here for our terms and conditions.
See here for our Privacy Statement.
© Valiz, Amsterdam and artists, authors and designers, 2021
All rights reserved.
- Design logo:Joseph Plateau grafisch ontwerpers, Amsterdam
- Design website: Studio Schröder & De Vries
- Implementation website: Perfect Web Team
All contents and prices can be subject to change.
Valiz Foundation
Our work requires a constant balance between various values, rhythms and approaches. Content-related, artistic, idealistic, political, practical, and financial considerations all play a part in taking decisions and setting a course. This goes for making books, creating and sharing content, as well as for initiating cultural projects. Valiz has no structural financial backing. This means that, on the one hand, there is plenty of room to experiment, set our own targets and develop a tailored approach; on the other hand, there is a responsibility to cover the costs of salaries, rent and other overhead. The not-for-profit Stichting Valiz Foundation was founded to support a ‘free field’ for developing new organisational models, alternative ways of working, and new content, and to work on social and idealistic projects with more care and attention.
Valiz Foundation is a publishing house and cultural platform that aims to respond to developments in contemporary art, architecture, urban culture and design, in a varied and inventive manner. The foundation strives to attain this goal by:
- making books:
- about theory, with texts on visual culture (art theory, architecture and design theory, urban culture, public space, reflection on images from everyday life, artists’ texts), often from a critical perspective on society.
- that are conceived and created in close collaboration with artists, designers and cultural institutes.
- organizing cultural events, debates, lectures, and so forth that are related to the above.
The foundation is a not-for-profit organization, and recognized as an ANBI (Institute Promoting the General Interest), RSIN 854219225, which means that donations to the Stichting are tax-deductible. According to an audit done by the Inland Revenue of the province of Oost-Brabant on [XX] January 2017, the foundation meets the requirements for an ANBI status. The foundation is registered with the Chamber of Commerce, number 61127140 and has its offices at Bellamystraat 24-II, 1053 BM, Amsterdam. The ANBI information is published on this website:\valizfoundation. Board members do not receive fee attendance money, but are reimbursed, within reason, for expenses made in the exercise of their duties.
Mailing address:
Bellamystraat 24-II, 1053 BM, Amsterdam
Phone: (+31)(0)20 - 676 41 44
RSIN/fiscal number: 854219225
Chamber of Commerce: 61127140
Bank: Triodos Bank, IBAN: NL72 TRIO 0197 9715 71, BIC/Swift: TRI0NL2U
Chair: Roosje Klap
Treasurer: Simon Franke
Secretary: Pia Pol
Director: Astrid Vorstermans
Mailing address:
Valiz, books and cultural projects
Gebouw Het Sieraad
Studio K34-K36
Postjesweg 1
1057 DT Amsterdam
Phone: (+31)(0)20 - 676 41 44