Book launch Teeuwen—Destroyed House

When: 29 September 2017, 19:00–23:00
What: Book launch Marjan Teeuwen • Destroyed House
Where: Stedelijk Book Club, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (NL)
With: Marjan Teeuwen, Maarten Doorman
Admission: Buy tickets here
Organized by: Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Valiz
More information:
Marjan Teeuwen (*1953, NL) creates large- scale architectural installations in buildings that are demolished after her interventions. She tears and strips, disrupts construction and structure and with the remaining material she builds a new artistic image. Based on these installations she realizes autonomous photographic works. In her work the constructive force of building goes hand in hand with the power of destruction and decay. Floors are tilted or come straight down; walls are removed, completely or in part. Stacks of debris branch out through the building like a virus, covering all the walls, or are carefully ordered into architectural sculptures. On the occasion of the launch of the book Marjan Teeuwen • Destroyed House, art philosopher Maarten Doorman will interview Marjan Teeuwen about her work.