Book launch | Plan and Play, Play and Plan
Wednesday July 11 2018 at KABK, The Hague

To celebrate the release of Plan and Play, Play and Plan: Defining Your Art Practice, by Janwillem Schrofer, Valiz and the Royal Academy of Art The Hague (KABK) organize a morning program with a book launch, conversations with artists and a guided tour. Schrofer, former director of the Rijksakademie, will talk to artists at different stages of their career about how they guide their own artistic practice.
What: Book launch, additional program and guided tour
When: Wednesday 11 July 2018, 11:00 (walk-in starts at 10:30)
Where: The tent in the garden of KABK, Prinsessegracht 4, 2514 AN Den Haag
With: Janwillem Schrofer, André Kruysen, Trijntje Noske, Femmy Otten
Language: English
Admission: Free, please let us know you are coming by sending an email to
'Visual artist’ is a term with untold interpretations, nuances, variations and meanings. But how, as an artist (or designer, photographer, or other ‘independent creator’), do you become who you are and who you would like to be? How can you guide your artistic practice, the main criterion being to answer the question: "where do I stand and what do I stand for?" Plan and Play, Play and Plan invites the artist to reach considerations, often based on analytical models, that will help to determine his/her position. This book has been written by Janwillem Schrofer, director of the Rijksakademie (Amsterdam) from 1982 to 2010, an esteemed international institute, where artists with a number of years' professional experience are provided with their own studios for two years. Schrofer knows from practical experience the complexity of the artist's questions and dilemmas, and has combined these insights in a book that does not provide 'recipes' or simple solutions, but delves into the very fibre of the artist's profession and invites the reader to explore a sustainable artistic practice.