Lecture by Pascal Gielen at Freie Universität Berlin
6 July 2022, Berlin and online

- How do we protect the core functions of the university?
- Public lecture by Pascal Gielen at Freie Universität Berlin
- Part of the lecture series 'Vernetzen und zerstreuen? Die Zukunft akademischer Lehre'
What: Online and in-person lecture by Pascal Gielen
When: Wednesday, 6 July 2022, 18:15–19:45 hrs
Where: Hörsaal 2, Gebäudekomplex Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin and via livestream
Organised by: Freie Universität Berlin
Livestream: www.fu-berlin.de/offenerhoersaal
Language: English
Admission: Free
Watch the recording of the lecture here
Restoring the University as a Semi-Public Space
As part of the lecture series 'Vernetzen und zerstreuen? Die Zukunft akademischer Lehre', sociologist Pascal Gielen (editor-in-chief of, among other publications, the book series Antennae-Arts in Society, Valiz) will give a lecture at the Freie Universität Berlin. Here, Gielen will introduce his latest title Fragility: To Touch and Be Touched, which he wrote together with philosopher Marlies de Munck. Based on this booklet and inspired by philosopher Gert Biesta, Gielen will give a talk on how the 'mariage-a-trois' between competition, hyper-moralism and digitalization (including digital humanities) undermines one of the basic functions of the university, namely human subjectivation. Restoring the university as a semipublic space for trust, urban intimacy and physical nearness is an important mission if we are willing to save this fundamental academic task. Open for discussion!
Read more about the lecture series here (only in German).
Pascal Gielen is sociologist of culture. He is based at the Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (ARIA) of Antwerp University. There he leads the research group Culture Commons Quest Office (CCQO).