WIELS Art Book Fair 2018
8—9 September 2018 at WIELS, Brussels

WIELS organizes the fourth edition of the WIELS Art Book Fair this year. Valiz will be there; stop by to browse through a selection of our publications and many more publishers!
What: WIELS Art Book Fair 2018
When: Saturday 8 & Sunday 9 Semptember 2018, both days from 11:00—18:00
Where: WIELS, Contemporary Art Centre, Van Volxemlaan 354, 1190 Brussels
Organized by: WIELS, Contemporary Art Centre
Admission: Free
Meet us in Brussels! WIELS organizes for the fourth time the WIELS Art Book Fair presenting artists, publishers and collectors, who offer art books, artists' books, catalogues, periodicals and other printed matter and Valiz will be there with a book table. Stop by to browse through an extensive selection of our publications and take a look at our newest books!