Amsterdamse pleinen [Squares of Amsterdam]

Out of print
- A rich, engaging book in honour of the many historical, architectural and users facets of Amsterdam’s squares
- What are the best and worst squares in Amsterdam? Where can you find secret squares, and what do the people of Amsterdam themselves think of their squares?
Authors: Bob Witman, Hilde de Haan
Editors: Stadgenoot, Willem Rogge, Petra van Veelen
Photography: Jeroen Musch
Design: Sok Visueel Management
2010, Valiz | supported by Stadgenoot | hardbound | 209 pp. | 30,5 x 21,5 cm (h x w) | Dutch | ISBN 978-90-78088-43-1
There are around 300 public squares in Amsterdam. It may seem a lot, but is it enough? And what is the best square in Amsterdam? Where are the secret squares of the city located, which square is ripe for improvement, and what do the people of Amsterdam themselves think of their squares? Amsterdamse pleinen [Squares of Amsterdam] is made for everyone who loves Amsterdam and cities in general. Squares combine contradictions: shelter and openness, meet and ignore, rest and move, to watch and being watched. Different functions, characteristics and histories of the squares, opinions of visitors and the observations of the authors are all discussed within this book, accompanied by many beautiful pictures by Jeroen Musch. The book also offers scenarios for the future of squares, what their value is, lists of squares in Amsterdam, maps, historical material and graphics.