Binnen in de stad
Ontwerp en gebruik van publieke interieurs

- About interactions between inside and outside, the nuances between public and private, transitional zones, the informal and unexpected, routes and meeting places
- This publication is only available in Dutch
Author: Matthijs de Boer
Contributors: Astrid Kockelkoren, Marlous Boutkan, Moniek Urselmann
Design: Mart Hulspas, L5 communicatie + design
2012, trancityxvaliz | supported by the Stimuleringsfonds voor Creatieve industrie, Multi Vastgoed, EFL Stichting, Matthijs de Boer stedenbouw bv. | paperback | 176 pp. | 24 x 20 cm (h x w) | Dutch | ISBN 978-90-78088-64-6
Strictly speaking, libraries, government buildings, stations, shops and theatres are not public spaces, although we do in fact use them as if they were. A dynamic city has a number of such meeting places, out of doors as well as inside buildings. Richly illustrated with examples, Binnen in de Stad: Ontwerp en gebruik van publieke interieurs [Inside the City: The Design and Use of Public Interiors] analyses the architecture of public interiors and the way in which they are taken up in the fabric of the city.
Matthijs de Boer is and urban planner and architect. His office works on a diverse range of design and consultancy jobs, from creating spatial visions to detailed planning of exterior spaces. He publishes regularly, among other publications in De Architect.