De volmaakte beschouwer (e-book)
De ervaring van het kunstwerk en receptie-esthetica

- About the interaction between the art work and the observer
- How do we experience ‘meaning’ in a work of art?
- This Dutch language e-book is also available as a printed book in English
Author: Janneke Wesseling
Design: Sam de Groot
Series: vis-à-vis
2015, Valiz | e-book | 320 pp. | 20 x 15,5 cm (h x w) | Dutch | ISBN 978-90-80818-50-7
What happens between a spectator and an art work? How do we experience ‘meaning’ in a work of art? How can the process of interpretation be understood and articulated?
In De volmaakte beschouwer [The Perfect Spectator], Janneke Wesseling addresses these questions and explores the field of reception aesthetics, with its central premise that the contemplation of art is a matter of interaction between the art work and the observer.
Janneke Wesseling is an art critic and director of PhDArts, international doctorate programme in visual art and design, at Leiden University, where she was appointed Professor in the Practice and Theory of Research in the Visual Arts, Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University.