Dit is Nederland
De Dienstcatalogus

Out of print
- An accessible and jam-packed, open and democratic art book with 551 artistic proposals from ‘the people’
- A source of playful investigation, focusing on concepts such as bureaucracy, democracy, populism, ivory towers and many more
- Only available in Dutch
- Award Dutch Best Book Designs 2006
Editor: EGBG, Martijn Engelbrecht
Design: Laurens Hebly, Laura de Jongh, Roos Giethoorn, Pavel van Houten
2006, Valiz | supported by Rijksgebouwendienst, Mondriaan Foundation, NPN drukkers, VSBfonds | paperback | 224 pp. | 29,5 x 21 cm (h x w) | Nederlands | ISBN 978-90-78088-0-2
In 2002, Martijn Engelbregt got assigned by the ‘Tweede Kamer’ to create an artwork with a budget of €160.000, or 1 cent per Dutch citizen. He created ‘de Dienst’, a research network. From April 21st 2004 to April 21st 2005 every Dutch citizen could be part of the project, by voting and reacting on artworks that de Dienst came up with or by proposing their own ideas for an artwork. In Dit is Nederland all information about de Dienst and The Netherlands is documented: all 551 ideas, all reactions on the internet, a timeline with boring and juicy events and many original, never published documents and reactions from the press. In two essays and five columns, thorough and accurate thoughts are formulated about the (im)possibility of combining art and democracy.
Contributors: Pieter Hilhorst, Brigitte van der Sande, Hans Aarsman, Fred Feddes, Thom de Graaf, Maurice de Hond, Jellichje Reijnders