Een nieuw huis voor Muis Mus [A new house for Mouse Mus]
Avonturen in Huis Sonneveld [Adventrures in the Sonneveld House]

Out of print
- A bashing children’s book about the experience of modern architecture
- With giant illustrations that excite young and adult readers
Author: Hanne Hagenaars
Editors: Hanne Hagenaars, De Designpolitie
Contributors: Coriëtte Schoenaerts, Jannes Linders, Oostwest
Design: De Designpolitie
2008, Valiz | supported by Stichting Volkskracht Historische Monumenten, Rotterdam, Netherlands Architecture Institute, Rotterdam | hardcover | 46 pp. | 34 x 24,5 cm (h x w) | Dutch | ISBN 978-90-78088-20-2
This book tells the story of a scared little mouse in the Sonneveld House in Rotterdam, designed by the architects Brinkman & Van der Vlugt. While Mouse Musculus, the house mouse, was sleeping, a house was built on top of his little home. In 1933, the Sonneveld family moves in. They leave everything behind and refurnish their new house completely, together with the architects. In the middle of the night, daughter Gé wakes up and goes looking for Dog Teddy. She finds a pale-faced Mouse Mus in the middle of the living room, surrounded by Teddy, Lamp Lijntje, Poeziepoes and Rots de Leeuw. He fell through a window in the basement and now he wanders around the house, looking for food. Mouse Mus is afraid of the large house with all its rooms. Gé and the others decide to help him. Tumbling in the bath, swinging on the toilet paper and playing hide-and-seek – everywhere they go they leave a mess. The group explores one room after another, and this is how we get to know the Sonneveld House.