Facing Value
Radical perspectives from the arts

- Nine alternative rules for value creation as a constituting factor in an open and caring society
- Artists, architects, artists, philosophers, scientists, historians and economists present alternative visions of value
- Selected by the Student's Jury as Best Dutch Book Design 2017!
Editors: Maaike Lauwaert, Francien van Westrenen
Arrtist's contributions: Atelier van Lieshout, Navid Nuur, Reto Pulfer
Design: Elisabeth Klement & Laura Pappa
2017, Valiz with Stroom Den Haag | supported by Stichting Doen, Gemeente Den Haag | paperback | 444 pp. | 24 x 17 cm (h x w) | English | ISBN 978-94-92095-00-8
‘We know what things cost but have no idea what they are worth’, Tony Judt, quoting Oscar Wilde.
Value as a non-economic notion is one of the hardest concepts to tackle. Although immaterial, value is one of the core ideas that shape society, influence hearts and minds, but it defies easy definition. Reformulating value as a constituting factor in an open and caring society requires a ‘tilting vision’, which can be found especially among artists. In nine alternative rules of value creation, different approaches are put forward that may inspire to regain personal power, share creativity, face uncertainty, liberate time, allow variety, and support a more empathic and just society. By presenting an anthology of texts by architects, artists, philosophers, scientists, historians and economists, many image essays and three artist's contributions this book aims to rethink the scope and language of the current value system.
Source texts by: Julieta Aranda & Anton Vidokle, Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi, Marina van den Bergen & Piet Vollaard, Richard Buckminster Fuller, Roger Caillois, Michel de Certeau, Céline Condorelli, Barry Farrell, Michel Foucault, Yona Friedman, Klaske Havik & Hans Teerds, Charles Jencks & Nathan Silver, Tony Judt, Siegfried Kracauer, Bojana Kunst, Mierle Laderman Ukules, Marcel Mauss, Evgeny Morozov, Victor Papanek, Jan Ritsema, Richard Sennett, Viktor Shklovsky, Bev Skeggs, Jan Verwoert