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The digital version of this essay is available to the reader for free. Distribution however is only permitted by referring to the download-links on this website. Please note: this essay is only available in Dutch.

Author: Annemarie Kok
Design: Meeusontwerpt
Series: Stadsessays

Bookstore: Not available through CB, but directly from the publisher, low discount

2017, trancityxvaliz | paperback | 92 pp. | 21 x 13,5 cm (h x w) | Dutch | ISBN 978-94-92095-65-7

This essay argues that administrative terms such as 'multiple democracy' and 'big society' indicate that politicians, policy-makers and civil servants have lost their grip on society. The author reminds them of the importance of the rule of law as an ideal and formal institution and pleas for no less than an institutional reawakening. Text only in Dutch.