Het balkon [The balcony]
Op zoek naar lucht en licht [Looking for Air and Light]

Out of print
- A richly illustrated book filled with diverse, beautiful, practical, comfortable and innovative balconies
- Dutch only
Authors: Rosalinde de Best, Caroline Freriks, Jaap Huisman, Anouk de Wit, Wilma Wisse
Editor: Anouk de Wit
Design: studio milk
2008, Valiz | supported by Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening, Het balkon, Ymere, Informatiecentrum De Zuiderkerk | hardcover | 224 pp. | 16,5 x 12 cm (h x w) | Dutch | ISBN 978-90-78088-19-6
In cities that are increasingly crammed, the balcony becomes of bigger importance. The need of a private space outside is there, but not everyone has a garden or park close to home. Het Balkon [The balcony] is about how balconies can be designed in cities filled with buildings, where it can be difficult for architects to design balconies, because of strict building regulations. Het balkon [The balcony] shows about sixty examples of balconies and other kinds of outdoor areas within Amsterdam. It also addresses how designers, principals and especially citizens shape and use their balcony, in order to inspire other architects, principals and citizens.