Het nieuwe stadmaken
Van gedreven pionieren naar gelijk speelveld

- What will the future of local citizen's initiatives look like?
- Towards a new relationship between bottom-up movements and top-down planning
Editors: Simon Franke, Jeroen Niemans, Frans Soeterbroek
Contributors: Saskia Beer, Marije van den Berg, Joost Beunderman, Simon Franke, Zef Hemel, Marc Holvoet, Bart Lammers, Arie Lengkeek, Sabrina Lindemann, Joachim Meerkerk Jeroen Niemans, Marit Overbeek, Ed Ravensbergen, Arnold Reijndorp, Frans Soeterbroek, Emilie Vlieger, Sjors de Vries, Peter Paul Witsen
Design: Sam de Groot
2015, trancityˣvaliz with Jaar van de Ruimte 2015 and Platform 31 | paperback | 174 pp | 22 x 14 cm (h x w) | Dutch | ISBN 978-94-92095-05-3
This collection of essays investigates the future of local citizen's initiatives, from the use of vacant buildings to city-farming on local wastelands, to small-scale area development.
As most local citizen’s initiatives started on temporary basis, they lack an idea of how to make these projects sustainable. Nevertheless, citizens as well as professionals increasingly discover the values of these initiatives. Bringing together different ideas about local urban development, this book aims to formulate a new relationship between bottom-up movements and top-down planning.