I Read Where I Am
Exploring New Information Cultures

Out of print
- Visionary texts about the future of reading and the status of the word
- With contributions by 82 invited authors: journalists, designers, researchers, politicians, philosophers and many others
Authors: Arie Altena, Henk Blanken, Andrew Blauvelt, Erwin Blom, James Bridle, Max Bruinsma, Anne Burdick, Vito Campanelli, Catalogtree, Florian Cramer, Sean Dockray, Paulien Dresscher, Dunny & Raby, Sven Ehmann, Martin Ferro-Thomsen, Jeff Gomez & 66 other authors
Editors: Mieke Gerritzen, Geert Lovink, Minke Kampman
Design: LUST
2011, Valiz with Graphic Design Museum www.motimuseum.nl and Institute of Network Cultures | supported by SNS Reaal Fonds, Mondriaan Foundation, Provincie Noord-Brabant, Gemeente Breda | paperback | 264 pp. | 20 x 11 cm (h x w) | English | ISBN 978-90-78088-55-4
I Read Where I Am contains visionary texts about the future of reading and the status of the word. We read anytime and anywhere. We read of screens, we read out on the streets, we read in the office but less and less we read a book at home on the couch. We are, or are becoming, a different type of reader. How will we grapple with compressed narratives and the fluid bombardment of text? What are the dialectics between image and word? How will our information machines generate new reading cultures? Can reading become a live, mobile social experience? To answer all these (and other) questions, I Read Where I Am displays 82 diverse observations, inspirations and critical notes by journalists, designers, researchers, politicians, philosophers and many others.