Joke Robaard
Folders, Suits, Pockets, Files, Stocks
- How does clothing 'work' socially?
- Combines images and notes by the artist with sources of inspiration from film, art, literature and philosophy
Editor: Brigitte van der Sande
Contributors: Joke Robaard, Jorinde Seijdel, and many others
Design: Jop van Bennekom
2003, Valiz with Secession | The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture, Harten Foundation | paperback | 360 pp. |21,5 x 15 cm (h x w) | English | ISBN 978-90-808185-2-6
Joke Robaard (1953, NL), artist, photographer and originally trained in fashion, is interested in human relationships and networks, what brings groups together and how this manifests itself. Through clothing she illustrates how and where the connections lie and 'directs' the individuals in certain positions and patterns in relation to one another. These images are then photographed or filmed.
Joke Robaard - Folders, Suits, Pockets, Files, Stocks can be seen as a collection of half-opened boxes that show Robaard’s working method, ideas and sources. This book contains an essay by Jorinde Seijdel and quotations from various writers, including Gilles Deleuze, Roland Barthes and Robert Bresson, as well as excerpts from texts by the artist herself, outlines of projects, instructions for models and newspaper clippings.