Joost Conijn • Iron and Video

Out of print
- Many books wrapped into one: a fascinating read, and instruction manual, an image book, a technical guide, a travel book, and a tale for artists
- For adventurers, art lovers, travellers, anthropologists, handymen and curious children
Authors: Joost Conijn, Jan Braet, Jennifer Allen, Jellichje Reijnders, A. L. Snijders, Wladimir en vele anderen
Editors: Joost Conijn, Roosje Klap, Jellichje Reijnders, Astrid Vorstermans
Design: Roosje Klap and Joost Conijn, with thanks to Yolanda Huntelaar
2007, Valiz | supported by Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture, Mondriaan Foundation, Stichting Harten Fonds, Stichting CoBrA Kunstprijs | hardcover | 176 pp. | 22 x 30 cm (h x w) | English, Dutch | ISBN 978-90-78088-04-2
The motto is: do it. Go for it completely: a plan, a journey, a film. Inspired, deliberately uninhibited. Joost Conijn sets up a gate in the desert that opens automatically. Takes off in a plane that he built himself. Travels through Russia in a wood-powered car made of wood, all the way to the Chernobyl zone. Films the neighbourhood kids for a year, capturing their life on the fringes of society. Improves his plane and then crashes it. Cycles through the Moroccan Rif Mountains with two friends; they use their hands to communicate with one another about what’s going on in the world. He moves through life with an independent attitude and plays the big game of art. With bravado, and yet totally straight.
Joost Conijn is (Amsterdam, 1971) is an artist, cineast and writer. Among other things, he was part of the longlist of Prix de Rome and received the Charlotte Köhler Prize and the Cobra Kunstprijs.