Along Amsterdam's Waterfront
Exploring the architecture of Amsterdam’s Southern IJ Bank
Out of print
- Extensive and accessible guide to existing, recent and planned architecture along the Amsterdam’s southern IJ Bank
- New developments are set within their historical context
- The English language version of this book is out of print. For the Dutch version, click here
Authors: Sabine Lebesque, Daphna Beerdsen, Yttje Feddes, Aart Hiemstra, Maarten Kloos, Ernest Kurpershoek, Merel Ligtelijn, Marinus Oostenbrink, Ingrid Oosterheerd, Evert Verhagen
Editor: Sabine Lebesque
Design: De Designpolitie
2007, Valiz | supported by Amsterdam Development Corporation (OGA), ProjectManagement Bureau Amsterdam (PMB), Port of Amsterdam, Stimuleringsfonds voor Architectuur | paperback | 352 pp. | 16,8 x 10,6 cm (h x w) | English | ISBN 978-90-78088-12-7
The South Bank of the IJ inlet in Amsterdam has undergone a spectacular transformation in a short period of time. Densely stacked apartment blocks, offices and businesses have been joined by cultural institutions, restaurants and schools, in a combination of new and old architecture. This guide Along Amsterdam's Waterfront is the first full survey of architectural development in the former dockland area.
Nine architectural routes with photographs and explanatory texts guide you past around 200 projects — old, new, and planned — varying from apartment complexes and office premises to public spaces, bridges, monuments and works of art. Attention is also devoted to a variety of themes, such as housing typologies, infrastructure, the harbor, the IJ dikes, and recreation.