Now / Jetzt
Time Travel—Tracks in the Making / Zeitreise—Spuren im Werden

Out of print
- Dives into the exchange between Eastern and Western Europe, cultural identity and the significance of art in a changing Europe
- With works by 34 artists, 16 of them Dutch
- Award Dutch Best Book Designs 2005
Authors: Galina Brieger, Christiaan Fruneaux, Kathrin Hero, Joost Janmaat, Tamara Lee, Femke Lutgerink, Karl Schlögel, Tatjana Schurawskaja, Astrid Vorstermans
Editors: Astrid Vorstermans, Femke Lutgerink
Design: Luna Maurer
2006, Valiz | supported by Ambassade van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, Berlijn, Van Bijleveltstichting, Utrecht, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds | paperback | 128 pp. | 24 x 17 cm (h x w) | German, English | ISBN 978-90-78088-03-5
Jetzt – Now appeared as an autonomous publication at the opening of Fifth International Art Festival in Magdeburg (2005), where The Netherlands was the focus country. The book shows the work by all participating artists and describes their role in the context of the festival’s theme: ‘Time Travel, Tracks in the Making’. It also zooms in on broader issues such as cultural identity and the East-West exchange. With an essay by the German historian Karl Schlögel (known for his Im Raume lesen wir die Zeit, Munich 2003 and other works), a literary contribution by Kathrin Hero and artworks from artists such as Samuil Ackerman, Yael Bartana, Sarah van der Heide, Wladimir Polowez, Gozewijn van Soest and Jennifer Tee.