Publiek vastgoed
analyses, concepten, voorbeelden

- Proposes the concept ‘public property’ as a new and relevant perspective on social structures, strengthening the public good
- An inspiring plea for handling our public buildings differently
- This book is only available in Dutch
Author: Marc van Leent
Contributor: Irene Müller – Concetta (illustrations)
Design: Joseph Plateau
2012, trancityxvaliz | supported by the Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie | paperback | 192 pp. | 24 x 17 cm (h x w) | Dutch | ISBN 978-90-78088-64-6
‘Public property’ consists of buildings and places where one can meet, learn, play sports and games, enjoy culture or network. They are a self-evident part of our society and public domain. But that doesn’t mean that we use them efficiently, or that we maximize their cultural and social potential. Van Leent looks into both principles and potential, by describing sixteen case studies, both historical and contemporary. He writes about architecture, the relationship with the neighbourhood, the programme and participants and their interests.
Marc van Leent was originally an architect before he specialized in public housing and urban renewal. In 2006 he established ‘De Wijkplaats’, a network of professionals that focusses on social property.