Slow Technology Reader

- Forthcoming: expected May 2025. You can pre-order this book in our webshop. As soon as the book is available, we will dispatch your order.
- Explores a myriad of perspectives on technological futures
- Includes the rich insights of feminist, queer, Indigenous, activist, and ecological practices
Editor/Author: Carolyn F. Strauss
Contributions: Paula Albuquerque, Kader Attia, Pacôme Béru, Cláudio Bueno, Derrais Carter, Raven Chacon, Joana Chicau, Guy Cools, Laura Coombs, Siobhán K. Cronin, Will Daddario, Edwidge Danticat, Taslim Dialli, eli eli, Henriette Essami-Khaullot, Silvia Federici, Mariana Fernandez Mora, Ella Finer, Jem Finer, Mashinka Firunts Hakopian, Dakin Hart, Faiza Hirach, Candice Hopkins, Christine Hvidt, Melita Janis, Carol R. Kallend, Theun Karelse, Danelle Khojayeva, Suzanne Kite, Fran Kourouma, La Voix des Sans Papiers, Jaron Lanier, Jason Edward Lewis, Pia Lindman, Gleb Maiboroda, Pierre Marchand, Michael Marder, Nanako Nakajima, Marina Orlova, Jogi Panghaal, Moisés Patricio, Rory Pilgrim, Milady Renoir, Oscar S antillán, Laurel Schwulst, Mindy Seu, Camila Sposati, Christel Stalpaert, Corey Stover, Ovidiu Tichindeleanu, Rolando Vásquez Melken, Evelyn Wan, Arkadi Zaides, Joanne Zerdy, Martin Zicari
Support: Creative Industries Fund NL
Design: Haller Brun
Info: Forthcoming, expected May 2025, Valiz | pb | ca. 400 pp. | 21 x 16 cm (h x b) | English | ISBN 978-94-93246-46-1 | €27,50
Slow Technology Reader gathers contributions from diverse disciplinary fields and knowledge traditions to consider technology through a ‘Slow’ lens. The book is artistic, academic, and speculative, probing alternative potentials of the digital entities proliferating in our midst, examining tools and techniques that have endured the test of time, and looking to non-Western and more-than-human sources to inspire technological futures. This new volume in the Slow Reader series aims to enlarge the parameters of how technology is understood, offering examples and inspiration beyond the limited perspectives and legacy structures that dominate technological development today. It includes the rich insights of feminist, queer, Indigenous, activist, and ecological practices, exploring how these can set new starting points for our technologies and their possibilities for (re)shaping the world. At a time when technology reaches into nearly every facet of planetary existence, Slow Technology Reader commits to disrupt and recalibrate people’s sense of what technology is and can be, illuminating ‘Slower’, more expansive pathways forward.
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