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Author: Peter Pelzer
Design: Meeusontwerpt
Series: Stadsessays
Bookstore: Not available through CB, but directly from the publisher, low discount
2021, trancityxvaliz | paperback | 77 pp. | 13,5 x 21 cm (w x h) | Dutch | ISBN 978-94-93246-07-2
Peter Pelzer is an Assistant Professor in Spatial Planning and Urban Futures at the Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning and affiliated with the Urban Futures Studio, both at the Faculty of Geosciences.
- (Only in Dutch) Click here to read the report of the Mini-conference 'Een agenda voor een planologie van de lange termijn' by Daan de Jong on Archined (4 April 2022)
- (Only in Dutch) Click here to watch the video summary of the Mini-conference 'Een agenda voor een planologie van de lange termijn' by Urban Futures Studio (16 March 2022)
- (Only in Dutch) Click here to read an interview with Peter Pelzer for (3 December 2021)
- (Only in Dutch) Click here to read the review by Platform 31 (November 2021)
The twenties of the 21st century confront the spatial design of our country with long-term crises: climate, biodiversity, housing and social inequality. Ironically enough, we react tot his with short-term answers. Despite this fact however, we need exactly the opposite: an urban planning fort he long term. This essay explores what such future-oriented spatial planning could look like. It is a voyage of discovery that leads us through the tribe of planners, words and figures which strengthen our short-term thinking and the mystery of the imagination. Attention is also given to the eternal management question – who is responsible for what? This essay is a necessary and recognizable reflection for students, civil servants, advisers, project developers and administrators.
Made possible in part by the EFL Foundation.
In March 2022, Utrecht University and trancityxvaliz will organize the mini-conference 'In search of long-term planning'. In case you would like to participate in this conference, please send an email to with your name and occupation and organization (if applicable). You will receive the final program in the week before March 16.