A Conversation with Ruben Pater
9 december 2021, online

- A conversation with Ruben Pater about his book CAPS LOCK
- Part of Servus D*sign Week
What: Conversation with Ruben Pater
With: Ruben Pater
When: 9 December 2021, 17:00-18:00
Where: Online radio - listen here
Hosted by: servus.at
Language: English
Admission: Free
Ruben Pater (1977, NL) was educated as a graphic designer, worked in several design studios, also independently, and as an educator (e.g. MA Royal Academy of Art, The Hague). With Untold Stories Pater makes critical work on the edge of graphic design, journalism and activism.
CAPS LOCK is an inspirational book full of sources for design students, educators and visual communicators all over the world, just like Ruben's first book The Politics of Design (BIS, 2016).www.untold-stories.net; @unlisted_roots; @capitalslock
Servus D*sign Week is a week of conversations about design and its various implications. From the point of view of an initiative dealing with open source tools and internet technologies, “design” can fall dangerously close to corner smelling like capitalism. We invite critical designers to share their ideas through a series of radio conversations and workshops about alternative practices and critical approaches to design.
Servus D*sign Week is organized by servus.at in cooperation with Radio FRO and Potato Publishing.
Participants are Christoph Haag, Libre Graphics Club, Mara Karagianni, Ruben Pater, Potato Publishing, Varia, in conversation with Davide Bevilacqua and Gabriela Gordillo.
You can follow the conversations on Radio FRO
To contribute to the talk during the broadcast, you can call or send a (nice) audio message to this Signal number +43 670 3572434.