Mini-conferentie: Een agenda voor een planologie van de lange termijn
16 March, Utrecht, The Netherlands

- An in-depth mini conference following Peter Pelzer's essay Verantwoordelijk voor de Toekomst
- Please note: this event will be in Dutch
What: Mini conference
With among others: Peter Pelzer (Universiteit Utrecht), Lisette van der Kolk (Twijnstra Gudde), Wouter Veldhuis (Rijksadviseur Fysieke Leefomgeving), Nanke Verloo (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Maarten Hajer (Universiteit Utrecht), Edwin Buitelaar (Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving).
Moderator: Suzanne Potjer
When: Wednesday 16 March, 14.30 – 17.30 hrs (doors open at 14.00 uur)
Where: De Zalen van Zeven, Boothstraat 7, 3512 BT Utrecht
Organisation: Utrecht University and trancityxvaliz. Contact:
Language: Dutch
Admission: free, but only after registration beforehand. Please send an e-mail to with your name and occupation and organisation (if applicable). In the week of the event, you will receive the finalised programme.
(Only in Dutch) Click here to read the report of the Mini-conference by Daan de Jong on Archined (4 April 2022)
Click here to watch the video summary of the Mini-conference by Urban Futures Studio.
We have lost sight of the future, despite the fact that care for the long term was one of the points of departure for urban planning. Regard for the future is crucial in these times, for instance when considering rising sea levels and spatial planning. In November of 2021, trancityxvaliz publised the Stadsessay ('City Essay') Verantwoordelijk voor de toekomst. Op zoek naar een planologie voor de lange termijn ('Responsible for the future. Searching for long-term urban planning') by Peter Pelzer. His plea for long term thinking gave rise to many voices of agreement, both from colleagues and and other interested parties. It seems to be high time for the long term. While Verantwoordelijk voor de toekomst mostly provokes questions, we will go a step further in this mini conference. Through short lectures, panel discussions and group work, we will work on the principles and instruments for long term urban planning.How do we release our shared imagination? What does legislation that takes care of the long term of our landscape look like? What can an urban planner contribute on an everyday basis? A mini conference with depth, in which thought-through diagnoses and a well calibrated moral compass are at least as important as achievability.
(Dutch only) Read the Stadsessay by Peter Pelzer: Verantwoordelijk voor de toekomst.
Free download here
Or order a printed copy here