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Autonomie als waarde

Dilemma's in kunst en onderwijs


  • What is the value of autonomy in the art world?
  • Misunderstandings and new perspectives examined
  • NB: This book is only available in Dutch

Editors: Marie-Josée Corsten, Christianne Niesten, Huib Fens, Pascal Gielen
Contributors: Jeroen Boomgaard, Marie-Josée Corsten, Veerle Devreese, Pascal Gielen, Bas Kwakman, Rudi Laermans, Huub van der Loo, Jan Masschelein, Sophie van Rijswijk, Maarten Simons, Camiel van Winkel
Design: Meeusontwerpt

2013, Valiz with Fontys | paperback | 160 pp. | 21 x 15 cm (h x w) | Dutch | ISBN 978-90-78088-66-0

Table of contents (pdf)
Introduction (pdf)
About the authors (pdf)

In Autonomie als waarde: Dilemma’s in kunst en onderwijs [Autonomy as Value: Dilemmas in art and education] theoreticians, teachers and artists research the meaning and validity of autonomy. Where does the idea of autonomy originate, and how is it applied and put to use today? This book indicates what could be the value of autonomy for the arts, for education and politics, and furthermore for today’s society as a whole.