Positioning the Art Gallery
The Amsterdam gallery world in an international context

- Explores one of the most important platforms for contemporary art
- Different perspectives on the significance of the gallery for the city, for artists and for the international art world
Editors: Noor Mertens, Astrid Vorstermans
Design: Roosje Klap
2012, Valiz | supported by Mondriaanfonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds | paperback | 224 pp. | 20 x 17 cm (h x w) | Dutch, English | ISBN 978-90-78088-39-4
Table of contents (pdf)
About the authors (pdf)
Positioning the Art Gallery explores the world of the galleries of Amsterdam and their place in a broader, international context. The book covers the history of the galleries in Amsterdam from around 1950 to the present and widens its focus to include the functioning of the gallery as an institution: What does a gallery mean in terms of substantive, economic, social and (art) historical aspects for the artist, art and the public? How does the gallery relate to other platforms for contemporary art? In doing so, Positioning the Art Gallery offers a variety of interesting visions of the significance of the gallery for the vitality of the city, for artists and the international art world.
Authors: Jan van Adrichem, Dominic van den Boogerd, Xander Karskens, Noor Mertens, Tineke Reijnders, Olav Velthuis
Short contributions by: Jo Baer, Kees van Gelder, Adriaan van Ravesteijn, Jack Tilton, Fons Welters